Initial Model

When you launch Meiosis by calling the run function, you can set the initial model of your application with the initialModel property. If you do not, Meiosis will automatically use an empty object {} as the initial model.

When you create a component, augment the initial model with the initialModel property. Like all properties for meiosis.createComponent, it is optional.

Using a Single Initial Model

If you have only one initialModel property, it becomes the initial single root model. In that case, the property can be specified when calling the run function. It can also be passed when calling createComponent; in that case, it must be a function that returns the initial model object.

Using Multiple Initial Models

You can also have multiple components with an initialModel property. That can make sense when you have a component that uses properties in the model that are only for its own use. By defining initialModel in the component, it is easy to keep together what belongs to that component. If you later decide to remove the component, you'll be removing its initialModel along with it and won't leave unused properties in the model.

In applying the single model principle, the initial models of all components are merged together into the single root model. To achieve this, the initialModel property of createComponent must be a function. Each function receives the model as a parameter. The function should add its properties to the model and return it. Whether you do this with mutation or with immutable objects is up to you.

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