Creating the View

In Meiosis, the view function returns a view object that corresponds to the library of your choice. It could be a plain string, JSX, a hyperscript object, and so on.

Specifying a Renderer

The way you tell Meiosis how you want to create your views is by specifying a renderer. Meiosis currently provides renderers for:

Implementing a renderer for other libraries is easy. Refer to the Renderers section.

To specify the React renderer, write:

var renderer = meiosisReact.renderer().intoId(document, "app");

Then, you just need a container with the "app" id in your HTML page:

<div id="app"></div>

Meiosis will render the view into that div. Of course, you can use a different id. Furthermore, instead of intoId, you can also use:

  • intoSelector(document, selector) for example, ".container" with <div class="container"></div>
  • intoElement(document, element) where you specify the DOM element directly. In fact, intoId and intoSelector are merely convenience functions that call document.getElementById and document.querySelector respectively, and pass the element to intoElement.

The VanillaJS, Inferno, Snabbdom, and Mithril renderers work in the same manner.

Creating a view Function

Each component that you create can have a view function. Meiosis calls it with (model, propose/actions) so that you can return the view representation of the model, and call the propose function. If you created an actions object, that will be passed as a parameter instead. The view can then call functions on it.

The nature of what you return from the view function depends on the view library that you chose for your views. Whether you use React, Inferno, Snabbdom, Mithril, plain JavaScript, or anything else, you return an object that is compatible with the chosen library.

Nested components

When you call meiosis.createComponent({...}) with a view function, the returned component is the view function with propose or actions already provided. Thus it is a function of the model that you can call from other components.

The todo-list example has a component that uses two other components, todoForm and todoList:

import React from "react";

const view = (todoForm, todoList) => model => (

Notice that we can pass a sub-property of the model when calling a component function. Also, there is no need to pass the propose function or actions object. Meiosis will take care of that. In fact, if components have different actions objects, they will each get their own instance with the correct functions.

Here is another nested component from the labeled-sliders example, written with Snabbdom:

import h from "snabbdom/h";

import { Action } from "./actions";

const view = labeledSlider => (model, propose) => {
  const onAddMeasurement = _evt => propose(Action.AddMeasurement());
  const onRemoveMeasurement = id => propose(Action.RemoveMeasurement(id));

  const renderMeasurement = (measurement, index) =>
    h("div", {key:, style: {border: "1px solid gray"}, id:}, [
      labeledSlider({measurement, index}),
      h("div", [
          {on: {click: [onRemoveMeasurement,]}}, "Remove Measurement")

  // ...

In this case, labeledSlider is the nested component. Again, notice how it is called like a regular function, passing in the model. The component itself is created outside of the view function and passed in as a parameter. This prevents creating the component every time the view is re-rendered; we only need to create the component once.

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